Author: Miranda

Refinding your passion

When I was a young girl, I used to write poetry all of the time. I guess you could say it was my creative outlet. Honestly, I don’t remember why I stopped. I truly loved expressing myself through poetry. I guess ‘life’ got in the way. Anyway, I have recently found myself randomly coming up Read More …

Many lives – one lifetime

‘We live so long that many lives are lived in this one life’.  Catherine Ann Jones wrote this.  This really hit me.  We live many lives in one lifetime.  It is up to us not to get stuck along the way.  It is part of our evolution to evolve as our life unfolds. There are Read More …

Saying goodbye

Goodbye is a word people use all of the time, but what does it mean? One definition of goodbye is a parting. Another definition is a taking of leave. The origin of goodbye is an alteration of God be with you. There are many situations where we would use the word goodbye. One situation would Read More …

Morning poetry

I love the spring in Texas. It was such a beautiful morning this morning that it inspired me to write a poem. Here it is… Good morning sun, Good morning birds, Good morning life, Good morning world. What a beautiful day is about to unfold, What lies ahead is yet untold. – MIRANDA

What if…

I started to wonder what would happen if everyone woke up from the hell they were creating for themselves?  What if we dropped all of the anger, resentment and fear?  What if we realized and stopped all of the drama we were bringing in to our lives?  What I saw was a beautiful, peaceful and Read More …

The need to belong

Everyone feels the need to belong.  That is a natural feeling.  That is why lots of people join churches, activity groups and even universities.  The problem comes when your desire to belong comes at the expense of excluding others.  There are many organization/groups that try to make you feel so special for joining them that Read More …

Can I homeschool?

My answer to this question is, “Of course.”  Let me explain.  When people find out I homeschool, I get all kinds of reactions.  Some people are curious, some people immediately dismiss their ability to do this, and some people show signs of hope.  Whether someone will actually pursue it depends on where these people are Read More …